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Another way to save money using cell phones, don't buy a monthly plan just buy minutes , 1000 minutes for $100 and usually lasts about 9 months IF you want a cell phone for phonecalls only, no texting, internet etc.
Okay so I LOVE Starbucks I know, I know I could save about $625 a year if I gave up Lattes, well I read somewhere that saving money is like being on a diet, deprive yourself and you will crave it all the more. So save money on something else and keep the Lattes ::wink::
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But seriously there are so many ways to save money easily and effortlessly without feeling deprived.
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Think about saving money when buying car insurance,
*Buy cars that require lower insurance premiums in the first place
*Keep your credit score high. Lower credit scores mean higher car insurance premiums
*Group your auto, home, and personal liability policies with one insurer
*Complete a certified defensive driving course and if may reduce your premium
*Search for best rates on Car insurance quote comparison sites
Those are just a few tips, stay tuned to our site for money-saving tips and earn more money tips as well, we are more than just a freebie, coupon site!!