Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Spring Cleaning Wisdom

Spring Cleaning Wisdom -  provocative title, yes? do I have your attention? Ah thoughts of spring also brings with it spring cleaning...

I have been reading a series on spring cleaning, sound boring? Believe me it was far from boring, not your usual how to make your floors sparkle type cleaning series.  It was fun, uplifting, make-you-feel-good spring cleaning series.

Not only did I glean cleaning tips but came away with snippets of what I call "Spring cleaning WISDOM".
Read on and you will understand. Enjoy...  Continue to read and enjoy the entire Spring cleaning series at :

Spring Cleaning Wisdom-  Snippets

"With God’s power and healing, we are new creations with fresh potential every morning." Glynnis Whitwer

 "The beauty and freshness of spring naturally produces the desire to clean." -Dana White

"I believe the only way to get your home in order, is to get your heart in order first." -Sarah Mae 

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, and we will show our love – by His grace – through a “put-your-feet-up”, “clean” home."  -Sarah Mae

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Decorating an apartment

Recently I shared about selling our home of 25 years and the transition from owning a home to downsizing to a smaller space.  I noticed that there were some very good blogs on remodeling a home and decorating larger rooms but very little about remodeling or decorating a condo with a patio as opposed to having a garden. A new world opens up when you move from a home to an apartment. First it's realizing that you have way to much stuff.

My search for blogs that offered decorating advice for apartment dwellers and condo owners brought me to some very good websites.

The first on the list of Apartment blogs is ApartmentTherapy  you will find a lot of good ideas from indoors to outdoors.

The DesignSponge offers DIY projects to make for apartment living.

There is a blog called TheTinyHouse website features small homes.

A patio can become a beautiful garden

FreshHome features apartment dwelling ideas and tips I like minimalist ideas :

"When most of us think of an apartment we automatically think of a small space often occupied in a city. Apartments are not necessarily small but they do require some additional consideration when it comes to providing enough storage solutions and furnishing the space. Whether just starting out after college or as an adult looking to change your surroundings, there are ways to make your apartment or condo more elegant and fresh. Apartment decorating can be challenging due to it’s limited nature and decorating is all about personal taste and expressing yourself through the design of your home."

Share your decorating ideas for condo's, apartments, condo's.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Pop of spring colors

The colors of spring burst forth in all their beauty and glory! I found a blog in blogland that represented the the pop of spring colors in a precious, creative way. I vote Shannon's post titled "How to bring Spring into the bedroom" on her blog FoxHollowCottage, most creative spring post, her blog is one of my favorite blogs to follow. There's always a lot of inspiration there.

Sharing some photo's that were my favorite:

Red white checked pillow cases idea!

Bright and creative idea for a way to make your own matching pillows! Simply stuff a throw pillow into a matching pillowcase, fold it over, and cinch it, voila, beautiful matching pillows. Brilliant Shannon!

Love wreaths?

I love wreaths but displaying one in a basket like this was brilliantly creative don't you think?
I have to say I could go on and on about each and every photo critiquing each one but I don't want to take away the joy of discovery for you. 

Thanks Shannon for bringing us pop of spring colors to life! Good job! Did she inspire you with her ideas? Show us how you brought spring into your home........I will soon as I get totally unpacked in our new condo.

Linking to  hodgepodge

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter Lamb cake

Easter Lamb cake

Memories of Easter traditions reminded me of the star of the show, a Easter Lamb cake. Every Easter my aunt baked this cake in her antique cake mold pans. She used tons of real butter in her secret recipe, more like a butter pound cake. And her icing was rich and decadent, I think it was a cream cheese icing or possibly a buttercream icing. 

Would love to bake one this year but finding the lamb cake pans may not be easy. My aunt's cake pans were heavy cast-iron molds as opposed to the lighter weight pans. Since I don't have her secret recipe I Googled to find one I can use.

Guess what I found as a "recipe", they suggest to get a pound cake mix, wow, how easy it that? Okay guess I am out of excuses now and will have to try to make one and continue the tradition!

LINKING TO : RomanticHome,  BunnyHop

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Naturally green paint

Spring arrives with beautiful colors, greens, yellows, blues, inspiring celebrating the colors with paint projects. Maybe that chair or table could use freshening up with a coat of  paint, but you have concerns about what's in the paint. And how it will affect the health of you or your family.

Well now there's a paint I discovered in blogland that offers beautiful true, natural colors that is actually mineral-based and even comes packaged in recycled plastic, plus has low odor.

JoAnn's gallery, click on photo
Beautiful blue.

I am not a distributor nor am I compensated for this recommendation I just simply wanted to share this information with my readers. Check out CC Caldwells paint pallettes HERE 

SantaFe Turquoise 

Read about RefreshRestyle's paint project using this beautiful color..

Send me photo's of your paint projects!